Project: Little Green Men

Is there life on other worlds? This question captures the imagination of everyone from scientists to Hollywood filmmakers. If it is out there, how will we know? In this project, we will investigate this question.

Like this asteroids project, this project has many directions you could take. The following sections will introduce you to the search for microscopic life on other worlds within our own Solar System, as well as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). And of course, no project on aliens would be complete without exploring the ways in which aliens have captured the imagination of writers and filmmakers for decades.

Once something in the following sections captures your attention, find a way to explore the topic more deeply. For example, will you do more research into how NASA is searching for evidence of life in our own Solar System? Will you examine the radiowave data that astronomers gather to search for signals coming from other intelligent civilizations in the Universe? Will you read or watch some science fiction and analyze it for scientific accuracy? So many possibilities!

Once you have explored a topic in depth, think about how you will share your learning with others. Will you write a blog post, create an eduational video, or design an interactive simulation? Will you write your own piece of science fiction or make your own short film? Will you create a piece of art that shows a hypothetical alien world and the life that inhabits it? We can't wait to see you interpretation of Little Green Men!

TreeFort Learning is a not-for-profit organization that provides project-based, self-directed learning that is free for all. If you like our work, please consider making a donation on our website.